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    Why He Never Calls You by Your Name

    Why He Never Calls You by Your Name

          Many ladies have had the experience of the man next to them inventing nicknames, but not addressing them by their name.

          One of the most common phenomena in many couples is that partners have special affectionate addresses to each other and, less often, the name of their partner. But you have probably also come across a special breed of men - those who you have never heard mention your name. Even if you are not in a serious love relationship. Your name has simply never been uttered by this person.

          And do you know why? Today we will share with you the main reasons:


    Men do not utter the names of women they do not want to get close to.

         By inventing all kinds of diminutives that sound so sweet in your ears, the man is trying to be neutral towards you. In this way, he shows that you are not the only woman in his life, but just another "bunny, kitten, baby" and whatever else you can think of. This is one of the signs that this man has no serious intentions to get closer to you and your name is not of great importance to him.


    You may be dealing with a disguised tyrant


         An interesting observation by various psychologists indicates that men who want to control their partner replace her name with various diminutives. In this way, gentlemen who are thirsty for power feel superior and depersonalize the woman next to them.


    He is simply insecure


         Like a tyrant, an insecure man replaces your name with a term of endearment in order to gain more self-confidence, not giving you much importance. Because if you are just a "bunny", then he will have more self-confidence and will believe that he is the stronger one.


    It could also be his sense of humor


         Funnier gentlemen are recognizable from afar. And if you're dealing with one, it's very likely that you won't hear your name spoken from his mouth, but that he'll come up with a nickname for you that has a funnier meaning. But that doesn't mean he doesn't respect you or doesn't have a warm attitude towards you. He just wants you to always be smiling.


    Your name evokes unpleasant associations in him


         We know that when certain people hurt us or we somehow remember them badly, we instantly transfer that energy to their name. It's very possible that your name is duplicated by that of a lady from the past, which will bring back bad memories for your man. Don't worry, this will pass, as long as you give it time and give a completely new vibration to the name that once terrified him.

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