Relationships are rarely easy. In fact, for the most part, they can really hurt. But it’s always different, especially if you’re lucky enough to be with someone you truly love. It always seems like all the hardships and challenges are worth it. And this is something that all the best and strongest relationships admit – the challenges will never go away. It’s just a matter of being with someone you know you can get through it all.
The earliest stages of a relationship are always seen as the fun part – the “honeymoon” period. Some people say that this is the time when couples can really enjoy each other because the problems will only sink in later. But what most people don’t realize is that you should always be mindful of the way you behave in your relationship, even if it’s still in the “honeymoon” stage.
Sure, it may seem like everything is still perfect in your relationship, but that's mostly just because of your rose-colored glasses. You're just not seeing the ways that the two of you could potentially be killing your relationship, even if you're just starting out.
If you find yourself guilty of the following, then you might
want to make a change in the way you act in the early stages of your relationships.
➤ You're too open and transparent
Make sure you don't give him too much information about
yourself right away. First, it'll be information overload on his part. And
second, you're taking away the appeal of the mystery. Give him a reason to keep
pursuing you.
➤ You're coming across as unavailable
But just because he likes the chase doesn't mean you have to
come across as unavailable. A man will always want to be with a woman who
responds to his efforts and advances. Don't act like you're not interested in
being with him.
➤ You text him every chance you get
Yes, it can be very tempting to text him all day long when
things are just starting out. But don't neglect other aspects of your life just
so you can text him. Also, save some topics for when you do have a real
conversation with each other.
➤ You try to control the whole situation
Never try to control the situation too much. There are very
few things in the world that will make a man run away faster than a woman
trying to control him.
➤ You don't make time to see him
You always have to make time in your schedule to see him. He
can't always be the one making the adjustments and putting in the effort in the
relationship. You also have to take the initiative and be willing to adapt.
➤ You avoid defining the relationship
Whenever he's ready to define the relationship, you need to
be able to talk to him. If you keep putting him off, you risk losing him
➤ You don’t respect boundaries
This should be pretty self-explanatory. You always want to
make sure you respect him, his boundaries, and his dignity if you want to keep
him in your life.
➤ You bring other people into your relationship
Never share what you have with other people right away. When
things are fresh and new in a relationship, just keep it to yourself. Keep
things intimate. Only after you build that intimacy can you gradually start
sharing it with others.
➤ You take positive gestures and traits for granted
One thing you never want to do at any stage of your relationship
is take your partner for granted. Always show how grateful you can be for
everything they are and do.
➤ You rush through the early stages of a relationship
And of course, never rush through the stages of your relationship. Love is a process. And it will definitely take a significant amount of time before love is truly built to be something strong and real. You can’t have perfect love in just a few days.
Remember that when you are just starting out, you are
essentially laying the foundation and pillars upon which the two of you can
build your relationship. That’s why you shouldn’t feel guilty about making
mistakes or showing bad habits so early on. Always control your own behavior if
you want the best for the relationship.
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