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    Museum of Broken Hearts

    Museum of Broken Hearts

           Probably, there is no person in this world who has not experienced a love disappointment at least once. Everyone is looking for different ways to deal with the painful experience, giving up shopping, others devastate the refrigerator, the rest locked and suffer silently.

          And we suggest you put the most necessary in your suitcase and go on the way. You have an unforgettable trip to Zagreb. A city that will forever erase bad memories in your memory and make you fall in love again.

          For this to happen, enjoy this completely romantic city, offering all rich history, architecture, nature, cultural entertainment, tumultuous nightlife, countless shops and culinary temptations. But first, we suggest you visit the Museum of Broken Hearts, which has no analogue in the world.

    Museum of Broken Hearts

          The idea is to leave an object that is most reminiscent of the person who has broken your heart. With it you will leave the pain and bad feelings associated with it in this museum.

          The idea came from the Croatian artists Olinka and Drazen, who split in 2006. They had no idea what to do with the objects that symbolized their relationship, so they decided to collect them in a small collection. They also asked their friends to add something to her. The rumor about this unusual collection of works of art spread quite quickly, after a strange idea was also interested in the press.
     So, two ex -lovers began to receive all kinds of "memories" of dozens of fierce and angry people who have recently experienced dramatic love relationships. Parts of the collection arrived from Manila, London and even Singapore.

    Museum of Broken Hearts

           In fact, the strange Broken Hearts Museum is the first private museum in Croatia. Just a week after its discovery, he was visited by more than 1,000 people who wanted to see what remained after a love affair tragically disintegrates.

          The memories collected from all over the world are the most diverse and range from plush toys, underwear, photos, poems and unused wedding dresses to muskets full of bitter tears.

           Each exhibit has a date and place, as well as an anonymous donor note.

    Museum of Broken Hearts

          Before some of you burst into a sincere laugh, cut at least one tear from sympathy for the broken hearts.

          Among the interesting exhibits in the museum are a toaster that an unhappy wife has retained so that her ex could not bake her favorite slices, and the garden gnome that "flew" to the wrong husband's car.

          The feelings you will experience when you enter the museum are unusual as unusual as the museum itself. Many say that after strolling through the halls and leaving the museum, as if a heavy load had fallen from their shoulders.

    Museum of Broken Hearts

          So there is no mistake. The broken hearts are treated in Zagreb!

         Over time, the collection has increased significantly, the idea has found many supporters and the museum has made a world tour. The artifacts of unhappy love have been seen by over 200,000 people worldwide.

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