claim that the basis of a strong relationship is trust, which we can actually see
for ourselves. Although we all know that trust is important and we all want to
have a relationship filled with trust, quite a few people doubt their partner.
Thinking that our partner might be having another relationship or might be
lying to us can drive us crazy, so before you get bogged down with these
negative thoughts, think about whether there really is anything to worry about.
Here are some
signs that your partner is faithful and there is nothing to worry about:
1. He's honest
with you about everything
In a mature
relationship, partners should be able to tell each other anything. The idea of
a relationship is not to be together only in the good times and when
everything is fine, but also to support each other when there are difficulties
in your life. Your partner should be the closest person to you and you should
be able to tell him everything. Both partners need to know that their
relationship is strong enough to overcome anything. If your partner shares
everything with you and can trust you with everything, be sure that they are
faithful to you.
2. He is
committed to your relationship
relationship has its bad and good moments. But when your partner fights for
your relationship, realizes that you have a problem, and does everything in his
power to solve it, it means that he is committed to this relationship. This
means that he would do anything to save your relationship, and the logical
conclusion of this is that you are the only woman he cares about.
3. His behavior
is adequate
Frequent mood
swings and illogical behavior are signs that something is wrong and maybe your
partner is doing something wrong. If he behaves completely normal and does not
change his mind in 3 minutes, you can be calm.
4. He puts enough
effort into your relationship
Usually, at the
beginning of a relationship, both partners work hard to get the relationship
going. However, it is important that these efforts do not disappear over the
years. If you've been together for a long time and he's still putting effort
into your relationship, trust us, this guy loves you and you're the only one
for him.
5. He is genuine
and emotionally open with you
If your partner
is real with you and isn't afraid to share his feelings and fears with you, it
means he wants you to be emotionally connected. If your partner is
"emotionally unavailable", that is, he does not share his emotions
with you and tries to keep you away, talk to him.
6. He's not
afraid to express his love physically
If your partner
takes every opportunity to show his love, you can be sure that you are on the
right track. Physical expression of love helps build intimacy and emotional
7. He is not
Jealousy often
arises from the fact that the person is insecure not only in himself, but also
in his relationship. If your partner is not jealous, you can rest easy.
8. Involves you
in all areas of his life
Of course,
everyone should have a life outside of their relationship, but if your man
doesn't mind including you in every area of his life, you can be sure he's not
doing anything wrong. Often, hobbies or hanging out with friends are used as
excuses for leaving the house without a partner.
9. Respects your
opinion and wishes
If your partner
always takes your opinion into consideration and is willing to change and evolve
to make you happier, it means they really care about you and your relationship.
10. You are
always on his mind
If even on his
busiest days, he finds 1 minute to show you that he thinks about you,
congratulations - your man is only yours!
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