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    The female flaws that men actually like

    The female flaws that men actually like

        If at some point you decide that you are not perfect, and men will no longer look at you, then these recommendations are just for you. We have collected a list of female flaws that are actually incredibly nice in the eyes of the stronger sex and even admired.

     A good appetite

         Psychologists claim that nowadays people have learned to get pleasure from the very process of eating. And at first this, of course, affects women. Instead of enjoying the process of eating and the taste of food, ladies with obsessive persistence count calories and dramatically experience their extra pounds. Sexologists are also in solidarity with psychologists and pay attention to the fact that nothing brings partners closer together like cooking together (preferably accompanied by pleasant music).

        It is believed that if the lady has a good appetite, she also gets pleasure from the caresses of her partner. Men understand this on a subconscious level, so stop worrying and allow yourself to enjoy your favorite foods (and partners).

     The feminine forms

         A few extra pounds really beautify you, and if you don't believe it, pay attention to how men look at women with attractive shapes. And even if lifestyle magazines constantly tell you to aim for model sizes, by the men's own admission, it's not important to them to have Angelina Jolie at home. It's one thing to watch these beauties on TV or on the covers of fashion magazines, it's quite another to observe them in real life.

         A man's biggest dream is to have a nice looking lady with curvaceous shapes. Therefore, if you feel overwhelmed by those 3-5 extra kilos, better next time remember what kind of women choose the most handsome men on the planet (believe me, there really is a lot to see).


         Want to rock out or laugh your head off? Why not! Be direct. Men care more about such expressions of feeling than your cover-up or your striving to be what you really are not. Therefore, give up the bright make-up and in general the image you are aiming for, and show yourself. Believe me, he will appreciate that.

     Facial wrinkles

         You should not be afraid of the light wrinkles around the eyes and lips and wage a desperate struggle with them. In the eyes of men, they look not as a flaw, but as something that beautifies you and speaks of your cheerful disposition.

        As the representatives of the male part of the population admit, they are tired of uniform faces that look like dolls created by the hands of plastic surgeons. Now they dream of naturalness and naturalness.

     A sense of humor

         If we have to be precise, then a light attitude towards life and the ability to turn any problem into something frivolous will become a real trump card in your communication with men. And if you laugh at his every joke and you yourself can demonstrate your sense of humor, sometimes talk nonsense and act frivolously, then you can confidently believe that you have conquered his heart.

         If you can't come up with jokes, then for a start try taking your chosen one for a night walk or buy tickets to the last screening. And, of course, choose places where you can safely kiss.

     The light carelessness

         It's not about walking around with a month-old manicure with peeling nail polish or going out in your pajamas. But slightly loose clothes and a lack of make-up are sometimes considered by men to be incredibly sexy. They claim that the image of the "homework girl" has an incredibly magical effect on them and turns them on. Just don't take this effort to the point of absurdity by becoming the typical housewife with a dressing gown and hair rollers. The same goes for your behavior.

         Of course, not all ladies possess grace and fluidity of movements. And if you think you're clumsy - don't despair! Men also find this quite cute, nice and funny.

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