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    The essence of our feelings

    The essence of our feelings

        Sometimes there are not enough words to describe our own feelings and love, to understand the meaning and why we do certain things. Let's try to find answers to frequently asked questions related to love.


    Does love at first sight exist

         It exists. Love is a brain response, like fear or anger, that can be triggered into activity at any moment. You have to be ready for her. We all have certain love characteristics, a conscious and subconscious list of what we want to see and look for in a partner. And if you see a person and immediately notice in him (unconsciously) items from your "love" list, an outburst of love can occur. Sympathy grows slowly, but love at first sight can be provoked instantly.


    Where does love come from

         Scientists believe that love is a certain type of addiction. When you're madly in love and you get dumped, it's a terrible experience, but "time heals wounds." This is due to a brain system that has evolved and adapted over millions of years. In fact, all this time humans have evolved and passed, realizing that it is easier to exist this way. 97% of mammals don't mate, thanks to evolution humans started to do it and fall in love, and this is a specific activity of a certain part of our brain called the nucleus accumbens. So romantic love is adaptable and eternal.


    Is there love on dating sites

       Such sites and applications really work and help in love. Interestingly, about 40% of singles admit that they met their last date online. But don't get too carried away with such apps. You can go on a date with 5-9 people and then stop and try to get to know one of them better. Pay attention to the good things so you can say yes instead of no on the next date, and stay focused on what you're doing by getting to know the person carefully.


    Is it possible to truly love and cheat at the same time

         Yes, because different parts of the brain are responsible for sex and love. You can love someone and cheat on them at the same time, that's how our brains are wired. This is what might be called the human dual reproductive strategy. It is the urge to fall in love and love, while at the same time having a tendency to cheat. But the vast majority of people in love don't cheat.


    How attraction works

         There are countless cultural reasons why we fall in love. There are four brain systems and different personality traits that drive attraction. We are attracted to people with traits similar to ours. Attraction is a symbiosis of brain functions, culture, upbringing and chemical aspects.


    How to distinguish between romantic and platonic attraction

        There is a specific list of traits associated with romantic attraction that have nothing to do with platonic attraction. When we talk about romance, everything that surrounds us takes on a different, brighter meaning, almost everything resembles or is related to the person we are attracted to. Romantic attraction is an obsession, while platonic attraction is less vivid and intense.


    Online dating is the death of romance

        No, online dating can't kill romance, after all it's a brain activity, just like the feelings of fear, anger, hunger or thirst that have evolved over millions of years. If you look at the history of humanity, it will become clear that the feeling of love does not disappear anywhere, does not atrophy, and it can be argued that it will remain with us as long as we are alive and humanity exists.


    Does a soulmate exist

         Yes, there is. You can have many soulmates, but not at the same time. That is, if at this moment you are with your soul mate, others are not interesting or important to you. When you find your soulmate, you don't need others, but that doesn't mean that only this person will make you comfortable and good.


    Why love is associated with the heart

        Surely no one knows the answer to this question. It all began in the distant 1300 with the paintings of Giotto di Bondone, although it had already taken this form before that. Perhaps the reason is psychological, because when we are in love, our heart beats faster.


    Was it love if everything burned fast

        No, there probably wasn't love because it involves three different brain systems for mating and reproduction - sex drive is all about testosterone. Romance is with the dopamine system, attachment is with secure long-term partnerships. We have to prepare for all three aspects.


    Is it normal to be jealous when you are in love

        Yes, because in this way you protect yourself and your partner. This feeling can be directed not only at him, but also at children, your own belongings and freedom. Jealousy is a result of evolution, a protective reaction that the brainuses us to keep our partner.


        So, love is something we can hardly control, and it originates not in the heart, as we tend to believe, but in the head. The heart just "gets out" and tells us that endorphins reign in the head.



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