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    Ten female habits that kill love

    Ten female habits that kill love

        They are said to be harmless at first, but become quite irritating after prolonged practice.

        42% of couples break up sooner or later, says a popular statistic, and the main reasons for this are lack of respect, negative impact on self-esteem, the desire to dominate the relationship, and also some irritating flaws, such as the habit of living in disarray.

        There are many more things that can lead to a rift even in the best of families, moreover - inherent mainly to the fairer sex. At the beginning of the relationship, through the eyes of the lover, they may even seem likeable, but with time they become enemies of the idyll of affection. Good to know:

     Invasion of personal space

         At the beginning of life together, it can even be fun to interfere in the private life of the partner, and this behavior is typical for many women. If the man does not rebel against this transgression of the boundaries, an unenviable future awaits him as a man under a slipper, where he cannot take a step without the approval of his beloved.

        There is a simple explanation for this: women are more social than men and feel more comfortable when they are close to their loved ones. And the nature of the strong half of humanity implies the need for more personal space in which men feel confident and calm.

    The body as a weapon

         Manipulating the man next to you with the help of the woman's body has never been a good way to achieve goals. At the beginning of the relationship, this approach will give the expected results, because men usually give in easily to seduction, but with time they realize that it is just a ploy to be used.

        The opposite situation also happens - when the woman deprives her partner of sex because of some offense. He can pretend that everything is fine and even joke about the situation, but in reality it is possible that he remembers and does not forgive.

     Childish behavior

         Women can passionately and for hours discuss any situation, even the smallest situation, but it is a fact that the flow of emotional outpouring scares a man who is used to clear, precise and logical comments.

         Over the impulsiveness of their ladies, most men prefer their ability to control their emotions. This, of course, does not mean that we do not show any feelings, but it is good to keep in mind that he can get irritated.

    A conversation with understatements

         When a woman cannot say directly what she wants, but it is important for her to share, she starts using mysterious phrases and understatements. This is generally not a good idea, since men's thinking is more direct - most representatives of the stronger sex do not like to decipher coded messages.

     The role of shy and simple-minded

         Many women can hide their dignity and appear more stupid than they really are. In some situations, this approach is really convenient, as long as it is not overplayed. When we feel like acting like shy creatures in need of male protection, let's remember that this role appeals to boys in certain doses. When they find that they are being deceived, they stop trusting. 

    Dangerous questions

         "I've gained weight - do you like it or is it bad?", "This dress fits me a lot worse than if Angelina Jolie wore it - right?" Questions like this should not be asked of men, because they just don't know what to answer. And women, because they are not satisfied with the mumbled answer: "What are you talking about, you are the most beautiful of all.", can start with reproaches that the partner does not pay attention to them. 

    Cover girl 

        At first glance, it is about cosmetics, because makeup is the best means of highlighting the beautiful features and masking the not so beautiful ones, but the natural appearance is always preferable to excessive makeup. And there are reasons for this, they are psychological: the lack of cosmetics or makeup applied so skillfully that it does not irritate shows that a woman is an open person and does not have a problem with self-esteem.

    Outright manipulation

         Rough and frank manipulation causes only irritation, and it is quite likely that the man will either not respond to the flow of tears or leave.

         Most representatives of the stronger sex prefer more sincere and simple-minded partners, smart ones bother them. In order to establish a good relationship of trust, the best way is for women to be direct and honest.

     Expecting things he didn't promise

         Women fall in love with men's potential and eventually become disenchanted with them. Not only talking about the material side of life, but also about the different views on raising children, careers, and travels.

        The only way to avoid this disappointment is to discuss any points of contention early on, rather than women wondering why their partner is not responding to their plans. 

    Criticism of other women 

        The sharper the criticism of known and unknown women, the more inclined a man is to see the shortcomings of his lady.

        As a rule, they criticize those who are insecure in themselves, envious people resort to backbiting, misrepresentation and gossip to manipulate, and fierce insults related to others can speak of a woman's desire to make herself a victim.


    Adaptation by Marina Atanasova

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