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    Telegram, Pavel Durov and the strict law without an equivalent in the world

    Telegram, Pavel Durov and the strict law without an equivalent in the world

    When French prosecutors targeted Telegram boss Pavel Durov, they had a tough new law with no international equivalent that criminalizes tech titans whose platforms enable illegal products or activities.

    The so-called LOPMI law, which came into effect in January 2023, put France at the forefront of a group of nations taking a tougher stance on criminal websites. But because the law is new, there is no judgment on it yet.

    As the law has yet to be tested in court, France's pioneering push to prosecute figures like Durov could backfire if judges refuse to sanction tech bosses for alleged wrongdoing on their platforms.

    Last month, a French judge placed Durov under official investigation. The head of Telegram has been charged with various crimes, including the 2023 crime: "Participating in the administration of an online platform to enable an illegal transaction in an organized gang", for which he can be punished with up to 10 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 euro.

     Durov, who was released on bail, denies that Telegram is an "anarchic paradise". The platform said it "complies with EU laws" and that it is "absurd to claim that a platform or its owner is responsible for misuse of that platform".

    In a radio interview last week, Paris prosecutor Lor Becquot hailed the 2023 law as a powerful tool to fight organized crime groups that increasingly operate online.

    According to Adam Hickey, a former US deputy assistant attorney general who created the Justice Department's National Security Cyber ​​Program, neither the US nor the rest of Europe has a law similar to France's.

    Hickey explained that U.S. prosecutors can charge a tech boss as an "accomplice or aider and abettor of crimes committed by users," but only if there is evidence that "the operator intends to engage its users in, and itself facilitates, criminal activities."

    He recalled the 2015 conviction of Ross Ulbricht, whose Silk Road website hosted drug sales. U.S. prosecutors allege that Ulbricht "knowingly operated Silk Road as an online criminal marketplace ... beyond the reach of law enforcement." Ulbricht received a life sentence.

    Timothy Howard, the former US federal prosecutor who put Ulbricht behind bars, was "skeptical" that Durov could be convicted in the United States without proof that he knew about Telegram's crimes and actively facilitated them - especially given the vast, mostly legal nature of Telegram's user base. Howard thinks the French law seems like an "aggressive theory".

    French cyber law professor Michel Séjean said the tougher legislation in France came after authorities grew irritated with companies like Telegram.

    The 2023 law stems from the French Interior Ministry's 2020 White Paper, which called for major investments in technology to deal with growing cyber threats.

    It was followed by a similar law in November 2023 that included a measure for real-time geolocation of people suspected of serious crimes by remotely activating their devices. A proposal to turn on the cameras and mouthpieces of their devices so investigators could watch or listen was rejected by France's Constitutional Council.

    These new laws have given France some of the toughest tools in the world to tackle cybercrime, as evidenced by Durov's arrest, said Sadri Porlon, a French lawyer specializing in communications technology law.

    Tom Holt, a professor of cybercrime at Michigan State University, said LOPMI "is a potentially powerful and effective tool if used properly," particularly in investigations of child sexual abuse images, credit card traffic and distributed denial-of-service attacks. , which are aimed at businesses or governments.



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