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    Let's take a walk through the majestic Brazil

    Let's take a walk through the majestic Brazil


        We told you about the multifaceted Rio de Janeiro - the "January River". And now we will continue our online walk. The tourism opportunities that Brazil offers are numerous. We will list them without pretending to be important. Many beaches, both more secluded and "improved" by beach restaurants and hotels. You can visit the historical cities of Salvador in the northeast and Ouro Preto in the state of Minas. They are especially popular.

        There are many mountains, natural parks and healing mineral springs.

        Since Brazil is located in the Southern Hemisphere, Europeans who want to spend their "summer" there will find good prices. In addition, they can enjoy moderate temperatures / 20-24˚ /. And if they visit the area between Natal and Rio and want to see São Paulo and the southern regions, they should know that the temperature there is from 16 to 5˚, and sometimes even 0˚.

    But let's get down to details.

    Amazon Theater

        Amazon Theater is an opera house located in Manaus, in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. It was built during the heyday of the rubber trade, using materials from all over the world, with furniture from Paris, marble from Italy and steel from England. The outside of the building, the dome was covered with 36,000 decorative ceramic tiles painted in the colors of the Brazilian national flag.

    Amazon Theater

        The first performance was on January 7, 1897, with the Italian opera "La Gioconda". The opera closed shortly after the rubber trade declined and Manaus lost its main source of income. The Amazon Theatre did not host any performances for 90 years until it reopened in 1990.

    Garganta del Diablo

        Iguazu Falls is made up of over 270 different smaller waterfalls, some of which can be connected during peak flows. Its overall shape is horseshoe-shaped, so tourists feel like they are covered in 3-kilometer-long cascades that drop as much as 82 meters. (Imagine it being as tall as a 24-story building.)

        The falls are so high, with so much water, that the mist can rise up to 150 meters, or 500 feet, into the air. That’s why the falls are considered one of the best places in the world to photograph rainbows! The continuous falls play with the light, creating several beautiful arcs across the falls.

    Водопады Игуасу

        Iguazu Falls and part of the Iguazu River are covered in beautiful lush rainforests full of all kinds of wildlife. While you are there, you can take a walk along fantastic trails. Some of them will have a guide who will tell you about topics such as the local bird life.

        Tourists should be careful of jaguars and other big cats in the forest. Some of the best animals in the area are groups of coatis (Nasua nasua) who are not afraid of people.

    Nasua nasua

        This may be due to the fact that many tourists feed the animals, although there are few signs that the animals are wild and dangerous. The name "coati" comes from one of the local languages.

    The falls are covered by two national parks and some of the most important rainforests in the world. Both national parks (one in Argentina, the other in Brazil) have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites and, fortunately, have special protection to protect them as a world treasure.

        The most famous part of the falls is the Devil's Throat (Garganta del Diablo). It receives water from three different countries, making it incredibly unique.

        On the Argentine side, you can build a road that goes right above this area, which is a good place to stop and take photos.

    Мы рассказали вам о многогранном Рио-де-Жанейро - «Январской реке». А теперь продолжим нашу онлайн-прогулку. Возможности для туризма, которые предлагает Бразилия, многочисленны.-5
    Мы рассказали вам о многогранном Рио-де-Жанейро - «Январской реке». А теперь продолжим нашу онлайн-прогулку. Возможности для туризма, которые предлагает Бразилия, многочисленны.-5

        You can take photos as if you were on the catwalk at a fashion show. You will have an amazing experience when you are so close to the water that you cannot hear the joyful screams of your fellow travelers.

        We have much more to tell and show you, besides our trip through the majestic Brazil.

        Read our next article.

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