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    Facts of psychology that explain many things

    Facts of psychology that explain many things

    Friendships formed between the ages of 16 and 28 are usually the strongest and longest lasting.

    Women are attracted to men who have a deep, husky voice because they seem confident but not aggressive.

    Usually the best advice is given by those people in whose life there were many difficult moments.

    The higher a person's intelligence, the faster he thinks and the more illegible his handwriting.

    In fact, it is not emotions that affect the way we communicate, but the way we speak affects our mood.

    On a first date in a restaurant, you can learn a lot about a person's character by how they address the waiter.

    We'd rather know something bad is coming than not know what to expect.

    Men are not funnier than women - they just joke more without thinking about whether their jokes will appeal to others.

    Uncommunicative people talk about themselves very little, but they do so in such a way that they leave the impression that you know them well.

    Women have twice as many pain receptors as men, but they also have twice the pain tolerance threshold.

    When a rule seems too strict, we feel like breaking more rules.

    If thoughts keep you up at night, write them down. This will clear your head and you will begin to fall asleep.

    SMS with good morning wishes and pleasant dreams activate the part of the brain responsible for happiness.

    Having a plan B makes it less likely that plan A will work.

    The average length of time a woman keeps a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes.

    People who constantly try to make others happy often end up alone.

    The happier we are, the less sleep we need.

    When we hold the hand of a loved one, we feel less pain and worry less.

    Highly intelligent people have fewer friends than the average person. The smarter they are, the more selective they are.

    There is a huge chance that the marriage with the person who is your best friend will be stronger, and the risk of divorce decreases by 70%.

    Women whose friends are mostly men are more likely to be in a good mood.

    People who speak two languages ​​can unconsciously change their personality when they switch from one language to the other.

    Being alone for too long is as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

    Traveling is good for mental health and also reduces the risk of heart attack and depression.

    People seem much more attractive when they talk enthusiastically about what really interests them.

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