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    How to know that a bad person is standing in front of you

    How to know that a bad person is standing in front of you

        Bad people are not selfish. They feel neither guilt nor can they realize when they are causing pain to others. Other people's suffering brings them joy and pleasure. Sometimes they even feed on people's troubles. If you have a person in your life who does these things, they are bad, they don't have your best interests at heart, and they can't be a true friend. So we advise you to get rid of it as soon as possible.


    Denial of the facts

        The bad guy either pretends not to remember or knowingly (or unknowingly) substitutes the truth. Bad people don't use facts, they use fake facts. They can be so convincing that they make you question your own words and actions. This is called manipulation. Bad people are skilled manipulators and can make you believe anything.


    Constant lies

        Bad people tell lies when it suits them. Through lies they get what they want. They make you feel guilty through lies. They win your sympathy through lies. What's worse is that in most cases the lie is conscious and gives the bad people satisfaction.


    On black and white

        Denial of reality is a hallmark of bad people. No matter how obvious a truth is, they always have their own, which is the opposite of conventional wisdom. Whether for personal pleasure or to cause conflict, the bad guys will find a way to refute the most ironclad argument and tell black is white.


    Feelings on account

        Bad people think first of all about themselves. They have no friends because they cannot be friends themselves. They have people around them who are deeply deceived by this falsehood and hypocrisy. Bad people imitate friendship only with those from whom they can derive some benefit.

    Malice, envy and hatred of other people's successes

        Better not share your successes with a bad person. He will experience only envy, hatred and malice. No matter how successful he himself is, a bad person is completely incapable of rejoicing in other people's happiness. He is much more concerned about other people's happiness than his own.


    Lack of empathy

        Bad people are not able to sympathize, empathize, put themselves in the other person's shoes. Bad people don't feel guilt or remorse. No matter how much they have offended or hurt you, do not expect an apology or remorse.


        If you recognize someone in your surroundings, do you really still think that it makes sense for them to be a part of your life?

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