The monument of Hristo Botev in Vratsa was built about the same place that evening of June 2, 1876 stood impaled his head together with the heads of his warriors captured.

His word is unbelievable"That who falls into battle for freedom, he does not die ...".
When I went through his detachment told me a strange legenda. Chuh it from an elderly peasant, scorched by the sun and wrinkled by years party, large eyes and strong hands. In the pocket of his jacket Hristo Botev worn not only notebook with latest notes and plan battles, but a handful of grains. He knew he that shall come to pass his prayer to fall defeated in battle. He knew he clairvoyant that will be revered his memory of this nation of ploughmen, and said: "Where fall - there will sow the seed. Stone to happen - I will grow. Without water it is - my blood soaked them. And they will grow. They will know where I died. "
So people learned where he had fallen hero.
This tale of Hristo Botev is the fruit of love and gratitude of the Bulgarian people to the heroes.
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